One of our amazing partners, Heather Palacios of Wondherful, visited a south Florida prison with us last month and spoke to 300 women about mental health and suicide prevention. Heather is such a blessing to all who hear her speak about how to spiritually fight depression, anxiety and mental illnesses and about suicide prevention.It’s so hard for these women to be in prison, physically and mentally, and we were so happy to be able to bring such encouragement and joy to our sisters in Christ. On top of that, 12 of them even gave over their lives to Jesus for the first time!
We’re so grateful to you and thankful to Heather for making this event possible. You’re changing real lives for eternity!
We reunited kids with their incarcerated parents and gave them so many surprises...
There has never been a greater urgency to reach men and women behind bars. The cycle of generational incarceration is massive, but together we get to do something about it. Whether you choose to give once or monthly, know that your donation is not only helping here on earth, but is changing eternities forever.