Or to be more precise– Galentine’s. We held our first EVER Galentine’s women’s event at a Florida prison this month, and even a party for something so “commercial” really moved these women… and God showed up in a real way to show them His love. A volunteer said that the night before the Lord kept putting names on her heart, and one was Deborah… which happened to be the first lady she met when walking in!
We gave the ladies roses, of course, and one said it had been about 19 years since she’d seen one. Then the ladies enjoyed fresh donuts and sandwiches and many couldn’t remember the last time they had those yummy foods that we definitely take for granted on the outside.
Group leaders told us when everyone was being baptized and celebrating, that for a moment, they did not feel like they were in prison. That’s HUGE. That’s the love of God transcending location and status and just meeting these women right where they were– and THAT’S what these events are for. God Behind Bars is about taking the Gospel to places where real souls, that God created, are living without Him and introducing people to their Savior. 25 women met Jesus at this event, and 36 were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Maximum Security, Maximum Miracles
There has never been a greater urgency to reach men and women behind bars. The cycle of generational incarceration is massive, but together we get to do something about it. Whether you choose to give once or monthly, know that your donation is not only helping here on earth, but is changing eternities forever.