Families together again– what an amazing last event of the year!

Dec. 19, 2024

Last week, we were so happy to be able to host one last Christmas family reunification “All Is Bright” event at a church in Las Vegas, NV. 20 families got to run the red carpet to their incarcerated mom or dad and spend the whole evening with them soaking up all the Christmas we could fit in– gingerbread houses, dinner, movies, crafts, and of course– PRESENTS!

One woman has been in prison for 5 years with very little contact with her family, and she didn’t stop smiling the ENTIRE night. One man has been serving time missing out on the last Christmases together and thanks to your generosity, he got to hug his son and even give him the bike he has been wanting!

Thank you for helping us make the impossible happen! For ONE unforgettable night, we brought these people out of their lonely confinement and brought them to a Christmas they’ll never forget with their FAMILIES. This is how God breaks generational chains and saves moms, dads, and children from their pasts and gives them a beautiful, bright future in Him.


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