Last week, we got to be a part of an incredible time of families coming together, and even TWO incarcerated people taking a public next step in their faith through spontaneous baptism!
We’re always so happy to partner with our churches to host reunification events that bring families together. This last time, 25 inmates got to have a day of fun with their kids and family members and picnic in the sun, some of them for the first time ever. Then, because the church was hosting a baptism weekend, two incarcerated people saw the pools and asked if they could be baptized! Praise God that we were able to say YES to these men and women and bring families together, breaking the generational chains of darkness.
Thank you for supporting our ministry and making events like this possible!
These men are living changed lives
We want this to happen as much as possible in 2024
There has never been a greater urgency to reach men and women behind bars. The cycle of generational incarceration is massive, but together we get to do something about it. Whether you choose to give once or monthly, know that your donation is not only helping here on earth, but is changing eternities forever.