A few weekends ago, there was a super football game, but there was also this super amazing event!
We were so excited to be able to go into a women’s prison with our partner Mike Barber Ministries and pack out the gym for an awesome 2-day speaker and worship event that more than 400 women attended! Over three services, more than 250 women accepted Jesus into their lives for the first time. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY!
Revival is really happening in prison, and we’re SO grateful to be a part! Would you click over to the DONATE page to give a gift that makes this kind of life change possible? Thank you!
Listen to this amazing story from our friend
There has never been a greater urgency to reach men and women behind bars. The cycle of generational incarceration is massive, but together we get to do something about it. Whether you choose to give once or monthly, know that your donation is not only helping here on earth, but is changing eternities forever.