Meet Our Super Awesome Friend Shelby

No, she’s not an inmate. She’s a survivor of a horrible tragedy who is sharing her story for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus!

Shelby’s story is that her father was shot and killed, and she has publicly gone on record to forgive the man who committed this crime. She recently joined us in a south Florida prison, speaking in front of 300 men and had a message for the people incarcerated there:

Shelby, standing in the place of the inmates’ victims, and Jesus Christ, forgives them all. 

Grown men were crying as Shelby proceeded to share the Gospel of Jesus taking on the sin of the world and forgiving us ALL of our crimes against God, and 27 individuals raised their hands to accept Jesus right then and there.

This was such a special time that we shared with our friends in Florida that should remind us all that while we were still sinners, Christ died for each and every one of us! (Romans 5:8-10)

You can check out her full story on the (free) PandoApp, from Google Play or Apple App Store!

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