Mothers reunited with their children in Florida

It was incredible!

Recently at Homestead CI in south Florida, we had the amazing opportunity to reunite 5 families inside prison walls… but it was so much more than that. Thanks to people like you faithfully supporting our ministry, we were able to take some volunteers and set up a shopping experience and special dinner for five incarcerated moms to show love to their children in a way some of them had never, ever gotten to do before. The moms “shopped” our (free to them) gifts and chose things to give to their kids, with one woman even saying she had never gotten to give her child presents before.

Then, we surprised and served everyone with a special dinner where they could eat and spend time with their families.We played games, we danced, and there were many happy tears shed as we watched what God can do to reunite and revive families, even inside prison.

The Homestead team even said this was one of the greatest events they’d ever had!

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for allowing us to take Jesus to these forgotten women and children.

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