Our friend Shannon went BACK to prison! (But not like that)

Listen to this amazing story from our friend

Listen to this amazing story: our friend Shannon was in solitary confinement, preparing to end her own life, when she prayed a final prayer asking for a sign from God that she should live. Suddenly, she heard a KNOCK on her cell. The knock was a God Behind Bars volunteer! They said, “Shannon when you get out of there, we have a care package for you to come and grab. We can’t wait to see you.” She wept that night knowing that God heard her prayer and saved her life.

Once she got out of solitary, she immediately started going to God Behind Bars services and gave her life to Christ. A few years later, she was released and was baptized! And last month, (almost 4 years after her release), she voluntarily went back into her former prison to give out 1,000 care packages to EVERY woman inside, and gave EVERY SINGLE INMATE in her prison a care package to show them the same love that she felt that ultimately saved her life! This is the power of Jesus!

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