We had a revival in the LARGEST prison in the country

Earlier this month, we gathered at the largest prison by population in the whole country—Louisiana State— and had a life-altering time reaching 700 inmates with the Gospel. 50+ incarcerated men gave their life to Jesus and 12 incarcerated men were spontaneously baptized! Most of these men have been here at least 10 years already, and are serving 25 years to life in prison, but God is not done with them yet! Our special guest Dog the Bounty Hunter had this to say:

“We stepped inside Angola—a place filled with men the world has given up on. I’ve spent my life hunting the guilty, and I know one thing for sure—NO ONE is too far gone for God!

[We saw] POWER, FREEDOM, HOPE. Chains broke. Tough men wept. Convicts turned into warriors for Christ. No past is too dirty. No sentence is too long. NO prison is strong enough to keep out the Almighty. We went in to bring hope, but truth is… we walked out changed, too.”

-Dog the Bounty Hunter

We’re still smiling about hearing the life sentenced prisoners takeover the worship, singing “I sought the Lord and He heard, and He answered. Thats why I trust Him, that’s why I trust Him!” Incredible.

Would you give a gift to help us reach even more incarcerated men and women through revival events like this one? THANK YOU!

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On Earth as it is in Heaven

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